
Ellusionist Rules

I got quite the order over the Christmas holiday from Ellusionist. Among my favorite items:

Ultra Smoke 2000:
What a cool thing! I can't wait to really start using it. It really needs a routine though. It would be way too easy to use this in every card trick I know, and even easier in a vanish or appearance or just about any other trick for that matter. The only hard thing about this is having the willpower to not over-use it. A planned out routine is a must.

Ultimate Card Through Window:
SWEET. There is no way I am not going to use this.

Psychokenetic Silverware:
Not exactly what I was expecting. I though it was a more "concept" related video, but instead it was how to do a specific set of illusions, all wrapped up in a routine. Don't get me wrong, it was very nice! I am not disappointed at all, just wasn't what I was expecting. Still gets an A+.

Ghost Deck:
I got an entire set of Ghost Decks. What a beautiful deck! I plan on keeping the Black Tigers around still...

Black Ghost Deck:
I got a gift with my order- a Black Ghost Deck. On Ebay they are apparently worth at least $100. I'm keeping mine, and I am not opening it!


X-Ray Spray

I finally found some of this stuff. It's been almost impossible because most manufacturers won't sell to civilians because you MIGHT use it for the wrong reasons. Don't you just love being punished because you MIGHT do something wrong? Talk about presuming guilt... Besides, selling this stuff to the cops doesn't exactly ensure our privacy either. I should have posted this in my political section.

Anyway, here is the link:


I have not bought any yet, so I don't know how well it works or how to use it in a routine. It would be kind of obvious if you held up the envelope and sprayed it down before revealing someone's prediction...


Good Magic


I have been practicing magic (illusion) since I was 10. I can't say I am great at it, mostly because it has not been my primary hobby, and because I didn't "really" get into it until a few years ago. Still, I have done a few birthday parties and like to entertain co-workers. If you are looking to get into magic or if you already are and you are looking to find a good place to improve your skills, I highly recommend Ellusionist. Nearly everything I know about magic I learned from them.


I have had a few other sites that I have used, but these guys are the best and they have everything you need to start on your way to greatness.

If you are in need of supplies, and if you happen to be in the Tucson area, try Williams Magic and Novelties on 22nd just east of Wilmot. If not, you can visit them on the web:


These guys are the most honest masters of deception I know!